Sunday, April 29, 2012

Garden Update 2012

Well hello there.  We still have a garden.  Nathaniel even put in some red bricks between the raised beds that I should really post pictures of sometime soon.  The garden was neglected for spring, so we're holding off on greens and peas until the fall.  Some plants decided to grow again anyway - this is Red Giant Mustard Greens planted last fall.  We should probably snack on this soon.

 Our freckles lettuce also came back.  I didn't have the heart to tell it that we never liked it in the first place - look!  It is so cute and freckly!  (And bitter, unfortunately).  Other than the plants that came back on their own, we planted a few pepper plants, a tomato, soy beans, beets, carrots, and still need to go find new basil. 

I was happy, however, to see chive blossoms again.  So far I've added them to egg salad, besan puda (savory chickpea flour pancakes), and today added them to some tofu with black bean sauce, along with some chives.  They have such a lovely, light onion flavor, something we never would have had a chance to experiment with had we never grown chives in the first place.  Does anyone know if you need to replace chives or if they are okay to just keep reusing?  They seem tasty and productive.

And since I can't help but share it, here is the tofu dish: